Welcome To
Cúlbhac Farm
Organic Family Farm nestled under Keeper Hill,
At the 'turn in the bend of the river'
Co. Tipperary, Ireland.
Our Story
Rooted in Tradition, Growing
for Tomorrow.
The O’Brien family have been farming Cúlbhac Farm for over 250 years and countless generations. One of the first registered Organic Farms in Ireland, CúlbhacFarm converted in the early 1990’s, and is registered with the Irish Organic Association. Ollie's father's entrepreneurial spirit led him into trying many enterprises on the farm. Ollie took on the farm in 2015. And since then with wife Esther and three children, we have carried on that spirit by carrying on the Organic Beef, and starting up Organic Esther’s Eggs. With 600 laying hens, we personally pack and deliver to local markets and retail stores, wonderful fresh organic eggs, that have been produced on our biodiverse pastures. We also have hundreds of Irish Heritage Apple Trees, Organic Blackcurrants, Raspberries and Vegetables.
Organic Esther's Eggs
Discover our fresh, organic local farm produce.
Our Cúlbhac Farm Esther’s Eggs are laid by our lovely brown hens. Keeping a small flock, we graze them daily on biodiverse Irish grasses and plants, under hedgerows and fruit trees. Our Cúlbhac Farm birds are out scratching from sunrise to sunset, in the sun and the rain. Their lovely fresh eggs are collected, packed by hand and delivered a day or two after laying. So our customers receive the most fresh wholesome local eggs that we can produce.

Our Stockists
Our amazing local Irish food businesses that
we work with.
Organic Ollie's Beef
Our organic Angus herd are raised on fresh organic milk straight from the cow. And then finished with unprocessed organic meal grown in County Tipperary, consisting of barley, wheat, oats, peas and beans. We graze our animals on a long rotation of 90 plus days, so that the pastures are very long with various plants. We have seen a great improvement in farm biodiversity since using this grazing system. At present, our Organic Beef is available via Good Herdsman.

Other Amazing Organic Farm Projects and Produce.
Organic O’Berries Blackcurrants.
Growing many different Organic Blackcurrant varieties in the Irish Summer Sun.
Products coming soon!
We grow other Organic Crops; such as Apples, Pumpkins, Cobnuts and Rhubarb.

100 acre family farm run by ourselves, a married couple with 3 children. Ollie hails from our farm in Newport Co. Tipperary. This farm has been in his family for at least 200 years. His entrepreneurial father practised a few additional businesses on the farm,